Full Spectrum CBD for Joint Pain

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a primary compound found in cannabis – IE the marijuana plant. Recent evidence points to CBD as becoming a more commonly accepted way to combat inflammation in the body. 

Pain is usually caused by inflammation and is either chronic or acute. Though acute inflammation comes and goes and is often localized to a specific area, chronic inflammation is a prolonged inflammatory response. Acute pain is usually caused by overuse or an injury while elevated inflammation levels cause inflammatory pain due to an overreaction or cross-reaction with the immune system. Conditions such as arthritis are examples of this. 

The ancient Chinese used Cannabis for its anti-inflammatory properties. Today there are a number of clinical studies demonstrating the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD for pain management – particularly in the joints.

CBD has the potential to reduce joint pain. As an antioxidant, it may reduce systemic inflammation by fighting oxidative stress and decreasing symptoms of autoimmune conditions. 

CBD is hydrophobic and lipophilic, meaning it dissolves in fats. This process helps it to be carried across the blood-brain barrier where it can have a broad range of positive effects on pain such as reducing pain signals, increasing the body’s immune response, as well as the reduction in Inflammation. 

CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system – the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in the central nervous system, endogenous cannabinoids (cannabinoids the body produces) and enzymes that facilitate the breakdown and use of cannabinoids. When the body senses inflammation, it releases endocannabinoids that bind to cannabinoid receptors.

Though CBD, itself, does not bind to receptors, it is able to induce other components of the cannabinoid system.It works in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system to function in an antioxidant capacity, thereby decreasing inflammation, and relieving pain. However, CBD does bind to TRPV1 receptors.By doing this, it is able to mediate pain perception and inflammation.

Two recent studies demonstrate the product’s viability as an option for reduction of pain in the joints. A 2015 study found that transdermal cannabidiol reduced inflammation and pain-related behavior in rats with arthritis. Researchers found a significant reduction in pain signals and inflammation with reduced swelling. Additionally, another study has shown that when CBD binds to TRPV1, it may influence the perception of pain and inflammation. 

Full Spectrum CBD products maintain the full profile of the marijuana plant while also containing other cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds such as flavonoids, proteins, phenols, sterols, and esters. For pain, good quality full-spectrum CBD Oil can be applied directly to the joint pain. In the above study that observed arthritic rats, CBD gel was used to reduce joint swelling and the associated pain. 

As the skin contains a vast number of cannabinoid receptors, a full-spectrum topical CBD remedy is a viable solution for treating pain associated with inflammation. Advantages include an inability to become dependent on it and variety. 

Quality full spectrum CBD doesn’t merely mask joint pain like over-the-counter pain relief options, it can make the pain go away for a certain amount of time. According to the American Arthritis Foundation, effects from CBD are usually felt within 15 to 45 minutes.

The CBD market is currently saturated with a variety of products claiming to calm or relieve joint pain. Finding a good topical Full-Spectrum product can be tricky. CBD products come in a variety of forms such as lotions, balms, and creams that are applied directly to the skin. 

Third party testing and top-notch production are key to purity and high quality. Buying from reliable and trusted sources such as Indian Creek is one of the best ways to ensure the CBD is safe, and minimize any chance of adverse side effects.

Indian Creek prides themselves on ensuring their full spectrum CBD products meet industry standards for quality, consistency, and transparency. It is their continued quest to bring their customers only the cleanest, safest, and healthiest tinctures, topicals, and cosmetics available.  

For more information – https://indiancreekcbd.com / (954) 496-0074

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