10 Reasons To Try Full Spectrum CBD Sublingual Drops

10 Reasons To Try Full Spectrum CBD Sublingual Drops

Full-spectrum cannabidiol (CBD) and broad-spectrum CBD are two types of CBD extract. The difference between them is the presence of other naturally occurring plant compounds residing within the extract. Full-spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids and other plant compounds, while broad-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and plant compounds BUT NOT tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – which is the psychoactive compound of the plant that makes a person feel high. 

Additionally, full-spectrum CBD also contains terpenes from the cannabis plant. Terpenes not only give plants their scent, they have other benefits as well. These include improving the ability for users to absorb beneficial chemicals through the blood-brain barrier, and increasing the absorption and effectiveness of cannabinoids.

Here are 10 reasons to try Full-Spectrum CBD sublingual drops. 

  1. Sublingual administration is convenient, discreet, and fast-acting.

Patients hold the cbd oil drops under their tongue for at least 60 seconds before swallowing. This allows the compound to bypass digestion and quickly absorb directly into the bloodstream. Though the effects of the product kick in faster with the sublingual method, the results are shorter lived and less intense.  

  1. Quick relief from pain

Because this method is so fast-acting, pain sufferers find relief quickly. The anti-inflammatory properties in CBD helps to very quickly alleviate the symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis or acute muscle soreness.

  1. Sleep

CBD may help with sleeplessness and improve insomnia.CBD regulates the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol has an effect on non-REM sleep cycles.  and research shows that CBD can improve sleep. In one study, researchers found that cortisol levels decreased more significantly when participants took 300 or 600 mg of CBD oil. Additional studies show that high doses of CBD may support sleep. Because CBD can reduce REM during sleep, this can also reduce heavy snoring as an added benefit.

  1. Seizures

Because CBD is an anti-inflammatory agent, it can be used to help with seizures. Seizures are usually triggered due to neuroinflammation – ie brain inflammation. By curbing this type of inflammation, CBD may reduce both the severity and frequency of seizure attacks. Research has shown that CBD products might help treat certain groups of people with epilepsy. The sublingual method of consumption is easier for those prone to seizures. 

  1. Migraines

Due to CBD’s ability to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, some research suggests that CBD may help treat migraine. Pain relief, reducing nausea and anticonvulsant effects are all related to the treatment of migraines. CBD addresses all of these. Recently, researchers have also noted that cannabis might help treat migraine by relieving neurological pain and reducing inflammation.

  1. Anxiety

CBD may be beneficial for people with anxiety. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder. Forms of anxiety, such as social anxiety disorder (SAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) respond well to CBD. Studies show that CBD” appears to be better tolerated than routine psychiatric medications. Furthermore, CBD displays promise as a tool for reducing anxiety.”

Sublingual treatment of anxiety has the added benefit of treating occasional mild panic attacks because the fast-acting sublingual form of dosing can neutralize the panic attack before it escalates into something more intense and harder to control.

  1. Increase appetite

Though CBD does not cause the “munchies” most experience while smoking marijuana, experts say that it may boost appetite in a different way. CBD can help relieve nausea and calm both the nervous system and the digestive tract, thereby encouraging those who need a boost in appetite to be able to take in more nutrients and eat. 

  1. Avoid Smoking and Vaping

For those who want to avoid the act of smoking or vaping, sublingual dosing is a great option. Though both smoking and vaping are almost instantaneous, many CBD users prefer the sublingual route in order to avoid the exposure to smoke and other byproducts of combustion. Additionally, some patients and users are unable to smoke or vape so taking a tincture under the tongue is a good alternative. 

  1. It’s non-addicting 

Full spectrum CBD oil may help with addiction. Some experts believe that full spectrum CBD oil can help people suffering from addiction by reducing the activation of the amygdala, which is the area of the brain involved in addictive behavior. Reducing a craving during cues can help people abstain. Taking CBD sublingually helps with needing a quick infusion of calm in order to take the edge off the craving of addiction. 

  1. Legality

Full Spectrum CBD oil is legal in all 50 states. 

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