
Why You Should Choose Full Spectrum CBD Oil For Inflammation

Cannabidiol (CBD), a primary compound in cannabis (or marijuana) is becoming a more commonly accepted tool in the arsenal against inflammation and the havoc it wreaks on the body.

Pain and inflammation are the body’s physiological response to any injury of the tissue,
infection or decline of body function due to aging. Inflammation can be acute or chronic. Acute inflammation normally presents after a certain illness or infection.It is often localized to a specific area. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation is the result of any type of prolonged inflammatory response and this puts stress on the affected organs and tissues.

Pain is often associated with inflammation elevated inflammation levels cause inflammatory pain due to an overreaction or cross-reaction with the immune system. Conditions such as arthritis are examples of this.

CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting CBD and cannabinoids are beneficial for treating inflammation and any pain that may be associated with it. Researchers have found evidence to suggest that CBD reduces inflammation and pain in animals.

A 2015 study found that transdermal cannabidiol reduced inflammation and pain-related behavior in rats with arthritis. Researchers found a significant reduction in pain signals and inflammation with reduced swelling. There were also no adverse side effects reported.

A more recent study featured in Molecules demonstrated in preclinical studies that “cannabinoid receptor agonists block pain in various acute and chronic pain models and that inflammation is attenuated.”

The therapeutic potential of CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may also help with the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • MS
  •  Inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Though much has been said about the two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), cannabidiol modulates several other non-cannabinoid receptors. Importantly, CBD binds to TRPV1 receptors. TRPV1 stands for “transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V” and is known to mediate pain perception and inflammation. It is also medically referred to as the “vanilloid receptor.” A study has demonstrated that when CBD binds to TRPV1, it may influence the perception of pain and inflammation.

High-quality full-spectrum CBD Oil is one that can be taken sublingually to treat more general inflammation in the body along with a diet that focuses on dampening the effects of inflammation through certain foods.

For pain, a balm containing good quality full-spectrum CBD oil can be applied at the site of the injury or source of the pain. In the study, observing arthritic rats mentioned above, transdermal CBD gel was used to reduce joint swelling and the associated pain. A topical CBD remedy is an easy and soothing solution to treat pain associated with inflammation.

The skin contains many cannabinoid receptors. Balms, unlike gels, usually contain waxes and butter in addition to full-spectrum CBD oil and other active ingredients. The best full-spectrum CBD oils are organically grown, contain a high amount of terpenes, and are, ideally, third-party tested for the highest quality assurance.

Indian Creek is on a quest to bring its customers only the cleanest, safest, and healthiest tinctures, topicals, and full-spectrum CBD available.

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